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About Us

At His and Hers Christian Learning Palace, LLC...


          Our mission is to support young children in reaching their highest developmental, social, and academic potential. It is our duty to ensure that all children can learn in the safest, most caring environment possible. We believe that families and communities are vital to children learning. We are willing to work hand and hand with the parents and other childcare professionals to provide the best learning opportunities for young children.  We are positive role models that are dedicated to encouraging children in a fun, respectful, and developmentally appropriate classroom.


It is also our mission to provide each child with a nurturing, loving, fun and safe environment where they are given the opportunity to learn and grow at their own pace as individuals. We will support the emotional, social, and intellectual development of young children in a family environment. Together we will equip our future leaders with the tools they need to be successful.






Upcoming Events:

Winter 2014
Now Enrolling
His and Hers Christian Learning Palace in now enrolling for the Winter! Call Now to make you appointment!
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